Husky 5000 Watt Generator Owners Manual
. 7482 Answers SOURCE: Hi Make sure you are getting spark at the spark plug, to do this: Remove your spark plug and check to be sure you are getting a bright blue spark at the spark plug. You do this by grounding the plug on the head of the engine and cranking the engine or by pulling the crank rope.watching the plug for spark. If you are getting a nice blue spark then skip A below and go to B. A.If you do not get a nice blue spark then you may need to replace the electronic module.
Note: If you have to replace the module be sure to measure the position it is in, it is critical to starting. Take a picture for later reassembly.
B.Also take some fine grit sandpaper (not emery) and lightly sand the flywheel where the magnet is located to clean any rust or corrosion from the magnet area. Then follow the procedure below: - Sounds like you have dirt/debris in your caburetor jets,fuel passages or a diaphgram that is becoming non-flexible. Check/Clean/Replace your Air Filter, a dirty air filter can make your engine run to rich with fuel. Note: ALWAYS USE COMPRESSED AIR TO CLEAN YOUR JETS AND PASSAGES, VERY IMPORTANT.
Note:Before you disassemble the carburetor: Write down on a piece of paper and or take a picture of how the linkage attaches to your carburetor for later reference when you go to reinstall your carburetor. Mark each piece with a awl, or some kind of sharp instrument that will make an alignment scratch before you disassemble the carburetor into separate pieces. That way you will know which way it goes back together when you reassemble it. Sometimes you can get by with priming the carburetor or by using a very small shot of starting fluid and letting it run a few times like that, and it will flush the gunk out of the jets,but most of the time you will need to rebuild the carburetor.
Be sure to check your fuel tank for water and dirt/debris, if there is water/debris then you need to clean your tank. Check you fuel line/s condition.after a while they will degrade and need replacement. Check/Clean/Replace your fuel filter if you have one. When you remove your fuel lines from the carburetor be sure to make a drawing or take a picture of how the lines are connected to the carburetor. Also a good time to take a picture for later reference for reassembly. If the mower is over a couple of years old, then I recommend that you buy and install a new carburetor repair kit,because the diaphragm will get hard and that will cause it to be hard to crank. The diaphgram may look good and flexible, but it can be deceiving and not act as a fuel pump as it should because it has become too hard and will cause hard starting,start and run and shut off, etc.
When you clean your carburetor, I recommend that you use a laquer thinner type cleaner to clean and dissolve the laquer build-up in the float and needle jet passages. Be sure to remove all plastic and rubber parts before using the laquer thinner because it can dissolve the plastic parts and render them unuseable. Be sure to use COMPRESSED AIR to blow out all the fuel and air passages.The higher air pressure is needed to blow some of the trash/debris from the fuel or air passages. Be careful when blowing out the passages, because there are sometimes small rubber type seats in the bottom of some of the passages.
Keep in mind that the float (if you have one) for the carburetor must be level when you go to reassemble the carburetor or follow the instructions you get with the carburetor kit, or you could also ask the parts man that you get your kit from. When you clean your carburetor and remove the jet screws, you will first need to lightly seat the jet screws. But before you lightly seat the jet screws count the number of turns it takes to seat the jet screws from their original position. Be sure to mark the turns down on a piece of paper. That way when you put the jets back in, you know to lightly seat them first and then turn them back out to their original position before you started. Once you have your carburetor cleaned/rebuilt that should solve your problem.
Please take time to rate me Bud Posted on Oct 29, 2012. Nov 8, 2012 - Uploaded by Carlos Roman This 5000 watt generator is great for backup power at home or forpower. Coleman Powermate Generator 5000 Watts / 6250 Watts. This feature is not available right now. Folding handle, 1 quart, of oil, and 25ft generator convenience cord.
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Husky 5000 Watt Generator Parts
Power Generators pull cord won t retract questions and answers. Ask your pull cordwon t. Question about Powermate Powermate 5000W Generator. 2 Answers I was running my coleman powermate 6250 gen power. Cord 6250 trips out.
Husky 5000 Watt Generator Repair
The pullcord does not rewind onto the pulley when pulled. At first I thought it was. Feb 03, 2016. Your manual says only plug 20Amp loads into each 120 receptical. See manual at: that would be 4 recepticals tmes 20 = 80 Amps' 80 Amps times 120 V = 9,600 Watts This means that you cannot hook up all 4 outlets at the same time as that would overload the generator all you can hook up would be 2 outlets of up to max of 23 Amps The manual restricts you to each load no more than 20 amps because some devices such as drills, water pumps exceed their running load upon start up, and would exceed the 20 Amps momentarily, thus 23 amps. The maximum power load of the generator is 5000 watts and 20 amps at each outlet. You certainly are within the useful range.
Volts time Amps = Watts Jan 10, 2011.