Ryobi Rct 2200 Manual

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The longest, and sometimes smaller in diameter of the two fuel lines, goes from the carburetor to the bottom of the tank. Leave enough slack in this line so that the filter that attaches to the end will rest comfortably at the bottom of the tank. The other fuel line goes from the primer bulb to just inside the tank, (about an inch). Make sure that you get the right size fuel lines. The plastic coupling goes on the end of this line, inside the tank. This keeps the line from pulling out of the tank. (HINT): When feeding the lines through the tank holes, cut the lines at an angle.

Ryobi Rct 2200 Manual


Ryobi Rct 2200 Parts

They will feed much easier into the holes. You can than cut them off square, once you know that you have enough to work with. If you need further assistance, just let me know. Jim Jul 03, 2009.