Video Guide For Bozeman Biology Answers
The second is the overview for tomorrows lab extension. Tonight, read your lab groups assigned extension and familiarize yourself with it. On a 3'x5' card, write your name, your lab group #, your extension activity (1, 2, or 3), and a brief (no more than will fit on one side of the card) description/summary of what you will be doing. This must be in your own writing and own words for credit.
This is your lab ticket tomorrow - if you do not have it, you will not participate and will receive a score of 0 for the lab. The notes we didn't get to today were a quick review of p.42 - Molecular Shape and Function to the end of the chapter. Key points on molecular shape and function: Large molecules take on a complex three-dimensional shape - this allows for specificity - meaning they can lock in and interact with molecules of a complementary shape (think of interlocking puzzle pieces.) The book shows the similarity between endorphins and morphine (as well as other opiates). The similarity in their three-dimensional structure allows morphine to bind to receptor cells in the brain for endorphins generating the same pain-relieving effect. This concept is very important in bio and will come up A LOT! The last section deals with chemical reactions which break and make bonds and rearrange atoms. Remember that the reactivity of an atom is based on the number of electrons in the valence shell.
Review REACTANTS, PRODUCTS, and what SINGLE and DOUBLE ARROWS between the two represent. The rate of chemical reactions can increase as the concentration of reactants increases, but in reversible reactions the rate of forward and backward reactions will eventually stabilize and the relative concentrations (meaning in relation to each other, or same ratio) reactants and products will be maintained. For sample multiple choice questions, try the self quiz on Ch. We're moving on to water - so don't forget about hydrogen bonding!! When we look at properties of water, many are based on the hydrogen bonds that form between water molecules. Watch the Bozeman video below and take notes on what happens to ionic compounds when placed in water and what happens to covalent compounds when placed in water. Also, read section 3.2 and focus on the 4 key properties of water: cohesion (connect to H bonding), moderation of temperature (think about homeostasis from Ch.
1), ice floats (think about life evolving in the seas of early Earth), and it's role as a solvent (Mr. Andersen does a pretty good job with this one). Feel free to play around with the phet website, too! Posted below. Reminder, last OQQ of the first set tomorrow.
We will review first and go over tonights packet, then take the OQQ, look at another sample multiple choice question, and start talking about properties of water (Ch. 3, if you can believe it!) For tonight's homework, first finish going through the slides from class. They are attached below. Then, for the packet: Observe model 1 - molecular drawings on the first page. Each column shows a different way of representing molecules - ball+stick, Lewis, and line drawings.
Each row shows how the same molecule (1-pentanol, glucose, and an unsaturated fatty acid) would be represented using each method. Use that information and compare and contrast the methods in order to answer 1-9.
Video Guide For Bozeman Biology Answers Key
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE attempt these on your own. It IS NOT about just having the 'right' answer - you need to be able to look at structures and interpret what you are seeing. If you can't figure some out, leave them blank and we will discuss how to look at structures and interpret them tomorrow. DON'T simply Google answers. That is not a skill that will help you on exams - developing your thinking skills will!! Anyway, # 4 has several answers - whatever yours is - justify it! Observe model 2 - pay attention to the column heading!!
Review polarity and electronegativity in the slides. Entire molecules are considered polar when they have numerous regions that exhibit uneven distribution of charge. If most of the parts of molecule are non-polar, we would classify it as such. Remember that blood is mostly water. For 12a and 12b, examine model 2 closely. Tutoring afterschool tomorrow (before open house) if you're interested! First, do yourself a favor and print out a copy of the periodic table - you can take notes on this as you watch the video!
Next, the video tonight should be a review of information you have ALREADY learned (even though you might not have thought about it in a while.) Mr. Anderson will talks about atoms, the periodic table, and a few elements. Remember, our focus is C H O N P S - most used elements in biology. The attached study guide should help you prepare for the OQQ tomorrow. Also, I would like to open up Thursdays after school for tutoring. I will stay until 5:00 pm on Thursdays if you would like to stay after and ask questions, complete homework, meet with your study/lab group.
Lab report on the second portion of the BLAST lab. Investigate one of the genes listed at the end of the BLAST lab and determine whether that gene is present in other species. You will generate a typed lab report detailing your work. The link posted below will assist you with the actual report.
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Bozeman Videos Ap Biology
Complete report due Friday. 26.1 and 26.2. Read and take notes. Due tomorrow - OQQ #7 3.
Review for Ch. 24, 25, 26 attached. Due for extra credit Friday.
Answer on a separate sheet - do not need to rewrite the question. I have attached a powerpoint with all the OQQ's to date and big picture for Ch. Tomorrow in class we will review for the exam and review grid-in questions - Friday there will be multiple choice and grid-in questions. There is a link below that shows + explains what a 'grid-in' question is. Afterschool study session tomorrow - all are welcome! Review questions due Friday for extra credit Sophomore council fundraiser - Boba - Friday from 3:30 - 9:00 pm 18429 Nordhoff St. Northridge, CA 91325 Support your class and earn extra credit!
Bring your receipt or a picture of you at the boba place Monday. Read the attached document about reading evolutionary trees and answer the questions. What are terminal nodes? What are internal nodes? Examine figures A and B on pages 3 and 4. Is there any difference in the information being conveyed? How is an evolutionary tree like a baby's mobile?
Examine figure A on page 6 and the next figure on page 7. What is the difference between the two?
What point is the author trying to make? What misconception do people sometimes have about the relationships between humans and apes? Complete the constructing a cladogram assignment in class or at home this evening.